Tuesday, July 26, 2016


Confession is one of the duties that practicing Catholics are required to take part in. The ritual of hanging our heads before the priest and confessing our sins is something that thousands, if not millions, of Catholics dread. However, it is in confession where many individuals see themselves more clearly.
We walk into the confessional with a list of sins and walk out with a new soul. The restoring of the relationship between us and God is quite beautiful. In the examination of conscience, one reflects on his or her past actions that have been immoral. If one is truly repentant, this is a moment of realization of what ca
n be described by my local priest as, “We are not God, Thank God!”
Within the confessional, we swallow our pride (one of the deadly sins) and confess the sins that we have reflected on. By reciting the sins that have tarnished our relationship with God, we have the chance to look in the mirror and change the person we see in it. We walk out with a pure soul and a changed perspective on life.
It is crucial that Catholics participate in the Sacrament of Reconciliation. While venial sins weaken our relationships with God, mortal sins break them, and it is not hard to find ourselves committing mortal sins in our lives. However, by confessing frequently, the likelihood of us committing the same sins are decreased. Confession provides a source of clarification for individuals seeking to better themselves.

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